The last week and a half has flown by incredibly quickly! I don't even really know where my time was spent, but somehow I made it to today :) After my last post we mostly just had a typical week of school. Many people ask me about wild and crazy things that they think I am doing here in Kenya. Sometimes my life is a little wild and crazy while I am petting elephants and walking with giraffes and zebras. However, on most weeks I am just a typical teacher. I don't do anything different than a teacher in the states would do (except relate everything I teach to Kenyan culture). I also get to share God with my students which I would also not do in the states if I was teaching at a public school.

On Friday last week we hosted the Junior/Senior banquet (Similar to Prom) at our home. The banquet was Hollywood themed. Our yard was transformed into a beautiful outdoor room. There were caterers that set up beautiful tables served delicious food. Some of the other teachers at the school also helped to set up a red carpet, a photo booth, a Hollywood walk of fame, and a juice bar. Glittery stars and white lights hung from the tree branches and ceiling in our house. Glitter still covers much of our living room :) I had the opportunity to play a celebrity on our version of Hollywood Squares. I got to play Lady Gaga. I covered a dress in socks and had my friend Tara put a ton of makeup on me. I think Paul would probably have called me "Sparkles" that night. Tara played Snookie from Jersey Shore, and then other teachers played Bruce Willis, Ozzy Ozborne, Hilary Duff, Whoopie Goldberg, Angelina Jolie, and Lil' Wayne. We had so much fun and I think the students did also.

After recovering from the banquet, I went to the doctor on Saturday morning to get a physical for my MDA camp application. As many of you know, I have not had the best luck with doctors in Kenya, so I was a little nervous about trying this new person. The doctor is from Australia, and she was so nice! She had awesome bedside manner and joked around with me about living here. I think I will continue to go to her whenever I am sick instead of the guy who tried to purposely give me a medicine I was allergic to.
On Sunday, Jenn and I went to church. In my last post, I mistakenly called it Langata AGC, it is really Karen African Gospel Church (KAGC). It is located on Langata road which is why I was confused. Jenn and I signed up for a women's conference in April. We are excited to go and fellowship with some of the women from the church. We also went to a travel fair on Sunday to check out the prices of taking small trips around Kenya and into other parts of Africa. We found some great deals, but I don't think I am travelling anywhere until next school year.
Last week we started the after school program for our elementary students. I am coaching softball and kickball which I am beyond excited about! It is so interesting to teach these students softball and kickball because they do not have either of those sports of baseball at our school. They have never really had the opportunity to play, so I am trying to gain interest so that we might be able to grow a program. I continue to brainwash my students into believing that the Phillies are the only team worth rooting for :)
Prayer Requests:
- Health for everyone at school. Students, teachers, and other staff are all falling ill.
- Continued finances for my trip home this summer.
- The after school programs to continue to go well
- Energy to make it through the next week and a half until spring break.
- Parent- Teacher Conferences this week.
Verse of Encouragement:
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heave, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
- Matthew 6:19-21
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